Monday, January 09, 2006

New Year. New Look. Readers chime in.

So, I'm a sucker for pink.

This is why: my birthday is in February. And whenever I see little tchotchkes in shops, all artfully displayed, and they're all pink and white, with hearts and sweetness, I love it love it love it. And that's because I think of my birthday and get all happy.

Hence, the different look of my blog. Too bad it doesn't have any little hearts.

Lemme know what you think.


  1. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I got that SAME feeling today! Only it was upon hearing that 78-year-old UNICEF representative and musical icon Harry Belafonte called Bush the 'greatest terrorist in the world'. Warm and fuzzies!!

  2. Hmmm. That would make me feel all happy, too. Except then I think about that Saturday Night Live skit, where they have the fake Chris Matthews talking to a bunch of crazy people on his show, and Harry Belafonte is one of them. "Harry Belafonte! Keep this crazy train rolling!"

  3. Except that this pink is the exact color of Pepto-Bismol. So, no.

  4. Way to go, HAR-REE!
