Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vendor Tuesday: Fancy Tiger

 Fancy Tiger is a local craft shop that is quickly becoming legendary. We can all take  a lesson from Jaime and Amber. They have amazing style and a great sense of what the community wants and needs. Their shop offers classes, supplies, and they host the most popular craft show of the year here in Denver--Holiday Handmade

If you are in the Denver area, I command you to shop there, just once. ONCE! You will be converted quickly. If you aren't in the Denver area, I command you to shop at an independent, local craft shop this holiday season. Just once! 

Buy local. Buy handmade. Save the economy, one crocheted slipper at a time. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Freedom Friday: Putting a Fine Point On It

I would like to be free from:

  • being interrupted by people who think their work is more important than my work
  • being told to solve other people's problems
  • getting up before dawn when I don't want to
  • working in a place where most people hate themselves
  • listening and nodding my head when I really want to kick that person in the teeth
  • caring for everybody else, and everybody else's children, instead of myself and my own child
  • being treated badly by children
  • being treated badly by the media
  • the idea that I MUST keep this job because of the economy and because it has health insurance for my family and because so many others are suffering
  • this is all there is.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Time on Task Thursday: Craft Fair Looming, Still, Plus my To-Do List

Since this appears to be Slacker Central, I will attempt to redeem myself by combining To-Do Monday and Time-on-Task Thursday.  My tasks today involve getting ready for the Sugar Plum Bazaar. This is the big show I will do this year, and I'd like to have good sales. 

This involves having SOMETHING TO SELL, I realized last week. Ha ha. 

So, my to-do list (that I lost yesterday, because I foolishly had it on paper) for today and tomorrow are as follows:

  • garland w/lights
  • small extension cord
  • wrap salts and sugar scrubs with twine
  • make solid lotion and label
  • make face lotion and bottle and label
  • get change from store
  • cut fabric strips
  • stamp more labels
  • pack ladder
  • pack soap dishes
  • buy bag of mini candy canes
The ones that are crossed off are being done by my husband, who works for my soap company. Bless his heart, please, when you are doing your daily blessings. Or some such thing. 

I have to complete all of that before 5pm tomorrow. TOMORROW.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Another Wordful Wednesday: Craft Fair Looming!

I have a HUGE show coming up this weekend, and I'm trying to get ready. Couple that with roller derby championships last weekend (I sold some necklaces!), and I'm scrambling. I have had to make a to-do list for both my husband and myself. 

This time of year is absolute MADNESS for a crafter. Tell me of your madness in the comments, wouldja?

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

Wow, NaBloWriMo ends, and my posting vanishes. Life happens, and that's what's happening to me. Remember my pendant project? Yeah, I'm selling these at the roller derby championships this weekend. Tonight I am doing step 2 of 3. Tomorrow, 3 of 3, and packing the bag. 

Oh, nuts. I need to print out those papers. 

My mind! It gets scattered sometimes.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Saturday How-To: Liquid Soap Video

This is a video I made and posted on YouTube, which is actually kind of popular. Enjoy!

Freedom Friday -- Missed it!

I was too busy being free, and didn't post on Freedom Friday. Imagine that! I am working furiously on my necklace project, because roller derby championships are next weekend! I have to be ready. 

On that weekend, I will work hard toward freedom. 

The weekend after that, I am vending my soap at a craft show. It's a new one, and I predict it will be popular. I'm working for that, too. These next two weeks are busy!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Time-on-Task Thursday: Create Something

Time to create something! Today I am on the final step of the necklace process for about 24 of them. Once that is finished, I can bag them up and mail one of them out! I had an online order already! Can you believe it? 

Your Time-on-Task directive today:  make something!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Vendor Tuesday: Michael's

I love Michael's.  I just love it. I love that they have a little bit of everything. I love that they have awesome coupons going all the time. I love that they have an APP for my iPhone, so I can have my coupons with me ALL THE TIME and the cashier can just scan it right from my phone, done and done.

I've been spending quite a bit of time there, recently.

What's your favorite local craft store?