Friday, February 11, 2011

Craft Business: Startup Checklist

I have been working on something small, yet big. It's a Business Startup Checklist, particularly for crafters. I plan on giving this away to those who sign up for my Craft e-Revolution newsletter. It will contain everything that I can think of for someone starting a craft business.

Your input for this checklist is appreciated. What do you wish someone would have told you to do, when first starting out?


Video update: I am having so much fun making videos for YouTube, I can't describe it. Video #3 in my Making Liquid Soap series should be finished tonight and/or tomorrow morning. If I can get it to dilute all the way tonight, then that's when I'll post it. The soaping community has proclaimed the videos both helpful and entertaining, which was my goal. Have you seen them yet? Your feedback on them is appreciated--please leave a comment!


  1. Do you just sign up for the newsletter to get the checklist or do I need to do something else as well?

  2. Nope, just signing up is good enough. When the checklist is done, I'll send it to the newsletter group.
