Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. I hope Santa brought you what you wanted.

I got:

  • two extra days of vacation (no word yet on whether or not we'll have to "make them up"--probably will, but for now, I'll take two extra days when the kids were insanse)
  • over 2 feet of snow
  • my daughter, opening presents and saying "present" and "help me, mama" and "it's a toy!"
  • nice dinners with my immediate family
  • nice Christmas Eve with husband's family, including cousin J, who ran around like a maniac with my daughter, which is hilarious to watch
  • time to myself to take a bath and read Entrepreneur magazine
  • coffee every morning
  • time playing in the snow with my kiddo--she's never had the opportunity to do so, so that was a hoot--we built a snowman, making the eyes, nose, and arms out of carrots for the neighborhood squirrels. Oh, and the snow "man" had boobs.
  • time in the evenings watching "family" movies: Ice Age, Madagascar, March of the Penguins
Too, too many benefits to list. Got a couple of lovely gifts from my hubby, as well. But please note how many times the word "time" is listed above.

Bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. "Time" works for me, too.

    D and I went to eat Chinese food and I cleaned the bathroom and the livingroom.

    Ho-ho-ho-my-god the fumes!
