Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Small Craft Business: Emailing Potential Vendors

I received an email today, from a person organizing a new "crafty-flea-market" thing. She had emailed me before, and I know who she is, because she met me when I was vending, and took my card. 

She's soliciting everyone who she thought was cool at THAT market, to come work her market. This makes sense to me, as a businessperson.


When she sent the email, she didn't blind-copy everyone on the list. She put us in the "to" field. So now, if I wanted, I could email all these people. 

She went about it the right way. She met these people in person, and gave them HER card, and said she wanted them to vend at her market. She isn't competing with the market she visited. It's all good.

But that one thing put me off. 

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