Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Reshaping This Blog

I am going to reshape this blog. No longer will it be full of The Random. I plan on showcasing crafters of all kinds, via interviews and giveaways. Also, I will write longer posts about owning and running a business, and on the way a person's life becomes different when she owns/runs a business.

What say you? Are you in?

If you are a crafter who would like to be interviewed and participate in a giveaway, please email me at:

theoldecrone at gmail dot com


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Great Idea, Amy! My friend Rachel just interviewed me for her blog - we had so much fun with it.

    And it is always to get other businesswomen's perspectives, methinks. Let's all share the blog love, people!
