Things don't happen fast enough for me. I have learned this about myself, and accept it. Much of my business life involves doing one or two small things every day, working toward the larger goal.
It's all I can do. I have learned a couple of tricks, however, to get more done, faster. (More on that in another post.) I have also learned how to accept the slow progress of things.
Listen, folks. I have a full-time job. I have a soap business. And I have a publishing business. And I'm a mom. And I'm married. All of this combines into one word: hellabusy. Most of my friends know not to complain to me about how busy they are, because they aren't. They don't know from busy. I have one friend who actually has said to me, "I can't talk to you very often because when I do, it makes me feel guilty for what I'm not accomplishing. You just do so much."
Her problem, not mine, but that means I don't get to interact with her as often. Whatever. Her loss. And what does that mean about our friendship?
I don't have time to think about silly things like that.
Back to the point: goal-setting. I recommend what Tim Feriss (my productivity guru) says to do for daily goals:
Have two. Write down exactly TWO things that will make your day feel productive, if they get accomplished. Two things, and that's it. When you are done with those two things, your goals for the day are completed. After that, you can do what you like, and know that your progress is forward, not backward.
For long-term goals, this is what I have done. I write down specifically what I want to accomplish, and specifically when I want it done. I have broken down my huge publishing project into 4 different goals:
- When to launch (the exact day), and with how many books
- How much money I want to make each day (the exact amount!)
- How much money I want to make in a year.
- Having an exact amount of money in the bank, in order to become completely self-employed.
What if I do reach them? What if I reach them faster than I thought I could? What if that happens?
There is no point in entertaining "what ifs." Set the goal, and get to work.
Your assignment: Set two daily goals, and complete them before you do anything else.
RIGHT on target. Love this - There is no point in entertaining "what ifs." Set the goal, and get to work.