Monday, October 31, 2011

Small Craft Business: Monday To-Do List

I've done it! I've blogged every day in October. Last year I was a big loser, foregoing the project altogether, and I'm the one that started it. Terrible! This year I sucked it up and did it again.

And I'm always glad I did. 

To wit: I have figured out how to keep this blog focused and relevant, by declaring each day of the week to have a particular focus. This will help me to build an audience (hopefully), encourage commentary (Hopefully!), and keep a conversation going about small business (HOPEFULLY!). Your comments are appreciated--please let me know what you think of my plan: 

Sunday Funday -- a post just for fun. It will most probably feature a funny photo.

Monday To-Do List -- I will post my to-do list for the week, and encourage others to do the same.

Vendor Tuesday -- where I feature and recommend a craft supply vendor. 

Wordless Wednesday -- Photos of a recent project will be posted.

Time-on-Task Thursday -- Exhortations and other prodding will be provided to encourage readers to get that thing DONE.

Freedom Friday -- Reflecting on freedom and self-employment, and what it all means. 

Saturday How-To -- I will post teaser photos of my latest book project. 

What say you, loyal readers? Is there a different focus you'd prefer on any particular day? 

Oh, and since it's Monday, here's my To-Do list for the week:

  • finish carving pumpkins 
  • hand out candy
  • finish necklace orders and mail them
  • make lotion
  • make bath fizzies
  • get started on Sugar Plum Bazaar fabric and tags

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing, Amy! Glad to hear things continue to go well in the soap biz.
