This week's featured crafter is dear to my heart, and my face, as she is the person who makes my makeup: Doree Klassen. Her brand is Pink Quartz Minerals, and I think everyone should experience the quality of her products. She's got a website, and a presence on Artfire and Etsy. She's all up in the Internet's grill. (Something for us to consider?)
Do you sell online exclusively? In person, at shows?
I sell about 80% online, about 15% wholesale accounts to salons, spas and makeup artists and about 5% around my area. I've done a few craft shows but makeup doesn't seem to sell well at them. I'm still trying to figure out what sales to do- fairs or craft shows or more like bridal shows and such. Any input is appreciated!

What was the impulse to start your business?
I tried Bare Escentuals and it made my skin break out. I loved the ease of application and the idea of natural makeup, so bought a bunch of different minerals and experimented until I made a foundation that worked for my skin without using bismuth oxychloride, which was the culprit. My friends and family started asking what I was using and wanted makeup made for them, and eventually I turned it into a business.

What is your niche? What sets you apart?
My niche is that I only use 7 mineral ingredients in all my powdered makeup, and that I will make custom foundation blends at no additional charge. I like having the fewest ingredients possible because it lowers the chance of any reaction. I also do not use any organic materials that could break down so as long as my makeup is kept dry it will never "go bad". The custom blends are something I felt was needed as large companies will not do it, and I myself never found a perfect foundation match until I made it for myself, so I empathize with others that can't find a match.
Which materials/colors/techniques interest you the most right now? What is inspiring you, creatively?
Right now I'm debating packaging changes. I love my makeup but really want to put it into special packaging. It's hard to find something different that will actually work in the real world! Aside from that, I still love to sit and putter and mix and create new shades with little surprises. I do have a bunch of shades I haven't put online yet as I'd like some new models with various eye colors to photograph, or customers to send me photos. (hint hint) [Amy's note: Oh, good lard. Now I have to put on makeup in the summer.]

What piece of advice do you wish you had, when starting your business?
Oh boy, I'd have to say I wish I had someone standing over me forcing me to keep meticulous records of every recipe (I've misplaced some over the years) and also forced me to keep up on the bookwork/paperwork. Come tax time I spend way too much time sorting and organizing records, and every year I say I will keep up on it, then somehow I don't. :)

What question would you like to ask our readers?
I would love to know how you like to purchase makeup. Would you like starter kits, or other kits and what would you like in them? What would you like to see? What would be super helpful for you when choosing makeup online?
Website: http://www.pinkquartzminerals.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PinkQuartzMinerals
Blog: http://pinkquartzminerals.blogspot.com/
Best. Makeup. Ever. People. Go get some.
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