Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shop Local for the Holidays: Foodzie

Photo by ulterior epicure. Used with permission.

I just discovered Foodzie today. I expect it's relatively new.

*runs off to check date on website*

Yeah, the copyright says 2009,but that doesn't mean anything. I think I would have heard about this, so I'm saying it's new. It's a venue for selling handcrafted foodstuffs. My favorite feature is "Discover," in which you can, "Discover Tasty Local Food Producers." While their vocab leaves just a bit to be desired (Discover Tasty Local Food Gurus, I might suggest, but they didn't ask), their selection more than makes up for it.

Foodzie is the Etsy of the food world. Consider yourself enlightened, and your wallet warned.

1 comment:

  1. Foodzie totally rocks. I met one of the co-founders and her sister (maybe they're both co-founders... I had been drinking cocktails) at the BlogHer Food conference after party in SF this past September. They are such brilliant, hard-working, sincere, and very nice young women. AND, they got their start in Boulder! So glad you like them too.
