Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rogue Commenter: Holiday Cookies

Criminy. I was commenting at Make It Do, and my comment turned into a blog post. I need to be stopped.


My family would purchase our Christmas cookies from Irene Sedlacek (pronounced said-luh-check) in my mom's hometown. Irene would make hundreds of dozens of cookies every holiday season, and sell them, to make some money.

Her cookies: sour cream sugar cookies, with frosting and sprinkles. Shapes: Trees, plain circles, stars, and something else I can't remember. The cookies froze beautifully.

Irene died a few years ago, at an advanced age (I'm guessing she was well over 90). Her daughter was besieged with condolences, and after a mannerly waiting period, she was besieged with requests for Irene's cookie recipe. It seems that many of us just couldn't have Christmas without Irene's cookies, and now we realized we would have to make them ourselves!

And of course, Irene's recipe was mostly in her head! Her daughter regretfully told us all that, and said if she found it somewhere, she would be sure to let us know. Lo and behold, she did find it, and my mother sent me the recipe out of the blue, through old-fashioned mail, on an old-fashioned paper recipe card, handwritten. Seems very quaint, nowadays. And dang, those cookies are awesome. They are a new tradition for my daughter and me--making roll-out sugar cookies.

Our shapes? Trees, "gingerbread" men, candy canes, and stars. I'm getting excited already, and it's not even Thanksgiving. What is your favorite holiday cookie?

Irene Sedlacek's Sugar Cookies:

5 cups flour

2 cups sugar

2 sticks butter

2 eggs

8 oz sour cream

1 tsp. vanilla

1 T. cream of tartar

400 degrees, 9-10 minutes

(That's all you get. The recipe presumes you know how and when and why to combine things when you do. I love that about old recipes!)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Shop Local for the Holidays: Foodzie

Photo by ulterior epicure. Used with permission.

I just discovered Foodzie today. I expect it's relatively new.

*runs off to check date on website*

Yeah, the copyright says 2009,but that doesn't mean anything. I think I would have heard about this, so I'm saying it's new. It's a venue for selling handcrafted foodstuffs. My favorite feature is "Discover," in which you can, "Discover Tasty Local Food Producers." While their vocab leaves just a bit to be desired (Discover Tasty Local Food Gurus, I might suggest, but they didn't ask), their selection more than makes up for it.

Foodzie is the Etsy of the food world. Consider yourself enlightened, and your wallet warned.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Publishing Project: Validation

Photo by Sarabbit. Used with permission.

My new publishing project, Craft e-Revolution, has begun. If you know someone who does craft or food tutorials with awesome photographs, please leave their link in the comments--I want to check them out.

I have offered two contracts to authors already, and I'm talking to two more. Whee! It's very exciting. I get discouraged sometimes with the amount of work that looms ahead of me, but I know it will be worth it. I got validation for this today when I read this article. Of most interest to me was this:

What does the rise of eBooks mean for Publishing?

That’s a tough question. There will be lots of changes as the shift from physical books to ebooks intensifies.

Here are a few things it might mean -

  1. We’re either in the middle of, or at the beginning of a huge tipping point – either Holiday Season 2009 or the year of 2010. By end 2010 ebook sales ought to be 10-20% of total sales.
  2. Publishers need to start figuring out how to survive on $7-$8 per ebook sale.
  3. Publishers should have a contingency strategy in case their take on ebooks falls to $4-$5 per ebook.
  4. A huge opportunity for new companies to become successful publishers.

A huge opportunity? I knew that already. Thanks for the validation, though. I'm on it.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Can you count to 40?

Sesame Street is 40 years old! Just like me. All together, now:

"Who are the people in your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood,
In your neigh-bor-hood, oh,
Who are the people in your neighborhood?
They're the people that you meet
when you're walkin' down the street
they're the people that you meet

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Two Kitties!

Click on the video below to watch it:

Two Kitties
Video Length 0:38
Click here to watch

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