I had great seats for the roller derby bout last weekend, as you can see. My friend, Green Venom, was not skating, and I'm glad I found her--because that section was the rowdiest Rocky Mountain Rollergirl support group in the whole place. Well, it seemed that way anyway, because I almost went deaf from the shouting. Maybe that's the way the whole place was.
I did get a couple of clear shots of She Who Cannot Be Named (aka She Who) celebrating the win via breakdancing:
I am strapped for cash as far as traveling to Philadelphia is concerned, but I will still watch the bouts--on Derby News Network! Click the "Live" tab, and you can watch the current bout right on your computer! Rather high quality, as well, I might add. I was very impressed. Watching a bout on DNN is nothing like being there (their motto--ha), but it will give you a good idea of what to expect if you go to a bout. Don't know if you have roller derby near you? Find a league here. You won't be disappointed!
Love you, Amy! I'm so glad you were there to watch the mayhem. See you at the Contenders bout on the 7th!