Everyone who has ever been a vendor at a craft fair, take note. The photos here are of the vendor application for this event. Look up above, and see the whole package that arrived. First of all, how fun is it to receive a package like that in the mail? Very! Everything is all email nowadays, right? I long, like an old coot, for the days of yore when people would write letters. I do write letters now and then. But Sam? Sam takes letter-writing to the next level.
Well, this isn't really a letter--it's business correspondence, remember? Sam's application feels ultra-special. I wonder what the show will be like, hmmm?? Let's have a look at this piece of mail. Up above, please note the stamp on the brown kraft paper. She could have handwritten my name on there, and that would have felt special. But no! There's a lovely stamp to frame the address. Let us open the plastic cover, and see what we find:
Remember, folks, this is just the vendor application. If you are thinking, "Dang. I want to just attend that show. Forget vending. I bet that show is incredible," then you would be right. And if I ever become independently wealthy, I will attend the show instead of working at it. Feel free to use the information in the photo above to mark your calendars. This show is so worth it. Free admission, super vendors, great food, incredible location. See you there!
Love it!