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Because of the huge number of crafty people in one place, there are more than a few craft suppliers on Etsy, as well. I recently bought a kit for making 5 glass tile necklaces. Kits! Fabric! Buttons! Beads! Findings! Adhesive! Paper! It's a crafter's paradise.
Got some cash sitting in your Paypal account? Head on over to Etsy, and support independent businesses. Take The Handmade Pledge, if you want. Once you get there, it will be easy to see why you might want to.
The photo above is of my latest listing: a collage page of flower photographs. It's another way to self-publish--individual pages. That's another reason why I love Etsy--it creates an environment where technology meets creativity, and new ways to sell things happen.
I plan to join Etsy soon. I love the pounce button, too. It let me know what it is that people are interested in buying.