Time to make the doughnuts!
That's what I tell myself on Sundays, when I have to make the soap. I've been making soap once per week for the past few weeks, and this has helped me to keep up with orders. I've been getting several soap orders per week! It's so awesome!
Sometimes it is difficult to rouse myself to make the soap, as it is physically demanding. However, I have my rhythm down to 1.5 hours for two batches of soap, so I just tell myself "it's just an hour, you can do it." I also tell myself, "Do you want to eat this month, or not?"
Big thanks to all my soapy supporters. You feed my family! I so appreciate your continued support and recommendations.
I am hard at work on my second soaping book, which I hope to finish very soon. Stay tuned!
Those are true works of art. I could just sit there and stare at them.