Sunday, December 30, 2007

Vacation Log: Day 9

Yesterday was busy and fun. Well, sort of.

I went shopping. I was exchanging some clothes--1 piece didn't fit, 1 piece was the wrong color but otherwise I liked it, and two things were just not me.

I met Jeepy Girl for lunch, with my cutie. It was nice to visit with her.

I took cutie home, got the mail, brought in the soaping oils from the garage that had frozen solid, and then planned to go out again. I had gift cards to spend, dangit!

Spent the gift cards. Note to all: Colorado Mills is HUGE. Don't plan on going to they gym--you'll get in your workout.

Today I plan on making soap (finally!), and maybe start sewing. For the etsy shop. Remember?

1 comment:


    Soap will be made so I can buy some and give it to a friend of mine because I made him promise to use it or else i would go to his house and sing britney spears' biggest hits while accompanying myself with finger cymbals.
