Saturday, October 27, 2007

Witchy Wonderland

Tonight I am vending at The Witches' Ball. I wanted to attend the ball for fun last year, but it didn't fit into our busy schedule. Last year I had left my email with the organizer of the event. She contacted me, asking if I wanted to apply for this year, which I did. And I got in!

It's not the largest vending opportunity that I've had, but the rent is very reasonable, and a friend of mine is vending with me, so we can also enjoy the festivities. There will be food, and music, and tarot card reading, and all the other vendors. Folks will be decked out in Halloween costumes, and it promises to be a rocking good time.

I have been preparing for this weekend for the past week. Luckily, we had a break for Wednesday through Friday, so I had the time to sit for hours on end, making lip balms and sugar scrub and facial cleansing oil, and soap. And soap!

I've left the easiest work for today. I have to pack a soap order for Sunday morning (yes, back-to-back vending! Super!, and then assemble the stuff in the car. No problem!

There may be time for relaxing! What's up with that???

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Is this the same thing you went to a while back and got that cool henna tattoo thingie done?
