Artwork by Used under a Creative Commons license.
I am taking a very short break from the featured crafter segments, as life is getting in the way of blogging. I know, I know! Terrible, right? Is there anything other than blogging?
Apparently, there is. This crazy thing I have called a "full-time job" is making my life crazy stupid right now. Luckily, this job will be ending for this year, and I will have almost twelve weeks off!
Twelve weeks to blog, craft, craft, craft, sell crafts, write about crafts,
publish several books, and spend a lot of time with my kid. I'm excited to fill my days with activities that I choose. I long for full self-employment, but it's just not to be right now.
Do you enjoy the featured crafter segments? I hope so. If you do, please click the "subscribe" button so that you don't miss an entry. Also, I need more crafters for the interviews! In the comments, could you please let me know the site of a crafter you think should be featured? I'm happy to look into their websites and shops.
I'll be back soon--I promise!