Thursday, August 26, 2010

Roller Derby: Entrepreneurs Take Note

Since joining roller derby, I have learned a lot. I've learned that my body can still surprise me, and that it hasn't forgotten everything about being an athlete. I've learned that pain doesn't last forever.

Some of the things I've learned from derby translate directly into entrepreneurship, and can be expressed with charming one-liners. To wit:

It doesn't matter if you fall; what matters is how fast you get back up.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello? Anybody there?

I am a list owner of a group on Yahoo. It's called "Firing Your Boss." The idea was a friend's, actually, and she is still one of the list owners, too. We wanted to create a support group for women who wanted to be self-employed.

Great idea, right? We could talk to each other, offer ideas and support, and network, too. All in a positive environment.

Okay, so I'm the only one who posts anything. I try to engage people in conversation, but they don't participate. I create different ways we can interact (i.e. a What Did You Do This Week? thread), and nothing. I ask new members to introduce themselves, and they do, and NOBODY else says anything to them but me.

What do you all recommend? Should I delete the group? Keep going, because writing down my thoughts is a good way to remain focused? Continue blogging about it until folks join up and start talking because I cried about it here?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Do Exist

It's been a while, hasn't it? Maybe it's time for another crafter feature. Maybe it's time for me to expound upon the glories of business-ownership and entrepreneurial pursuits.

Or maybe it's time for me to curl up in a ball in the corner, rocking back and forth, with a horrified look on my face. That face. Up there.

That's right. It's time for me to go back to work. Not only do I own a craft business and a publishing business, but in my free time, I'm a public school teacher. This year will be my 19th year.

So today is the first Sunday of the school year, which means I will be preparing my lunches and clothing all day, and taking my daughter to roller derby practice in the afternoon, and not much else. I will peruse the list of convos on Etsy, however, to see who wants to be the next featured crafter. Gotta have fun somewhere, right?

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PSA: Great Business Blog That Isn't Mine

I received a great blog post in my email today, about failure (hence the stricken gargoyle). I subscribe to many blogs, but one favorite for business is Her advice is straightforward and practical. I have not purchased any of her products yet, but if she produces one that seems like it will help my particular publishing business, then I'll give it a try. As an independent publisher, I like to support others who are indie, too. She publishes all of her own products.

Give her blog a try and see if it helps you.