Craft e-Revolution is the premier site for crafty people to learn something new. We are looking for crafters from all walks of life who are interested in teaching others. Writing a "how-to" book is a fun challenge that is also profitable.
How-to nonfiction ebooks with high-quality photographs are popular. Our readers are eager to learn, and they want information immediately. The Crafte-Revolution structure for downloading ebooks directly after a purchase supports our readers' desire for instant information.
Crafte-Revolution wants authors to submit their ideas for a how-to book on a specific topic--specific is far better than general. Some ideas for books we want to publish:
*easy, modern sewing crafts
*projects using watercolor (or another paint) technique
*jewelry-making using your particular technique or materials (or both)
*raising chickens or goats
*eating from an organic garden: start to finish
*the art of maintaining bonsai trees
For more details, please click this link:
and then pitch your idea. Crafte-Revolution is open to new authors; we will need an example of what you can do. Bloggers who already do photographed tutorials can offer links to showcase their work.
Current technology is ready to support this project: eReaders in full color are upon us! In the near future, they will become commonplace. Imagine being able to download the information you need, and then reading the book right there at your craft table. Crafte-Revolution is anticipating this technology, and creating what we know will be the revolution for independent publishing. We are excited to talk to authors who want to come along on this ride. Here is the link once more: