I wonder how many posts I've started with that headline. I know it's at least one other.
What you don't know about public schools is probably a lot, if you don't work for one, or if you aren't closely connected otherwise. Teaching is a hard job, but one of the best things about teaching for me is that I have made a TON of friends. Schools aren't one room on the prairie, and as such, there are lots of opportunities to meet people and make friends.
The shitty part of all of it comes about this time of year, when the staff of a school sits down and looks at the budget. Of course, the budget is never increased, only decreased. This means that, most every year, "we" have to decide the cuts.
And that's what you don't know. People who work in schools make friends in a foxhole--it's a hard job, no matter what you are doing, and if you work there, you automatically share a special connection with everyone else there. We talk about our time in schools like military folk do: long-term teachers are invariably called "veterans."
So it's that time of year, and the cuts are in. And, of course, one of my best friends has had her job cut. Rather, her job is one of three that has been "redistributed," so she has to decide whether or not to interview for the two remaining positions.
For those who don't know, let me clue you in: THIS SUCKS.
It sucks for her, because she doesn't know if she wants to interview. If not, it means she has lost her job. If she does, she would be interviewing for a different job which she doesn't like. More than likely, I'm betting she chooses not to interview, which means I will have one less friend at work next year.
We need as many allies as we can get, down here in this foxhole.