Monday, March 07, 2005

I may have figured it out.

The reason teaching is so difficult nowadays.

Today, during a class in which I am the extra teacher, the students were behaving like complete twits. In this case, the definition of "complete twit, " is "someone who spits gum in another person's hair."

This alone may be reason enough to quit teaching: I wouldn't have to deal with people spitting in other people's hair. But I digress.

I ask you this: Which is worse, the person who did the spitting, or the person who was spit upon, but refuses to tell me who did it? This is when I think I figured out the problem. Students nowadays have no self-respect.

If they did, they would immediately draw attention to the idiot who was destroying their work environment, and ask that the offender be removed. Don't tell me that you didn't do that in school. I know I did. If you were gutless back then too, then I guess I'm not talking to you.

I'm talking to those of you who would, in the same situation, at age 13, spin around and yell, "Knock it off, dipwad! Stop spitting gum in my hair! What kind of animal are you?" and then tell the teacher. No, that doesn't happen today. Today, the kids say, in a very transparent manner, "I don't know who did it, miss," as they cast their eyes to the left.

Bullshit you don't know. You know. They all know. But they won't say who did it. Why? Either they have no respect for me (abot 50% of them), and enjoy watching the spectacle of a ruined work period, or they have no respect for themselves ( the other 50%) and won't tell me who it is. Is it out of fear? Do they really fear retribution from a moron?

I don't care anymore. I don't care if they are afraid. The person spitting gum in their hair is a goddamned idiot, and so are they if they're too gutless to protest.

Idiot cowards.

That's why teaching in public schools is so hard nowadays. The students have no self-respect. They have no respect for their own education, as well. They have no idea that people around the world don't have the oppportunity to go to school, like they do. They don't care about people around the world. Why should they?

They don't even care that they have gum in their hair.

--groovygrrl, queen of quitting teaching

Friday, March 04, 2005

Proof That I'm Working Too Hard

This never happens to me.

I woke up this morning to the sound of my alarm clock. I thought to myself, "What the hell? Why did I set my alarm on a Saturday?" I got up, turned it off, used the toilet, and went back to bed.
It's a great pleasure to be able to sleep in on Saturdays. My daughter doesn't get up until long after I'm awake, so I usually have some time to myself. I slept in for a while, and woke up again, this time to no alarm, of course. I heard the dogs whining to go out, and I thought to myself, "Gotta let the dogs out." I thought about what I would make for breakfast. "Waffles. I think I'll have waffles this morning. Ooh! And we have bacon, too! That'll be nice."
I then began to plan my morning in my head. I would make some breakfast. I would read the paper. I would play with my girl. Then, all of a sudden, I heard her voice. "Is she awake already?" I thought. I rolled over and turned on the monitor. Yep, there she was, talking to her toys. What a sweetie.
Streeeetch! I raised my arms up and had a good stretch. I then reached up and scratched my head. "Hmm, " I thought to myself, "My hair needs washing. I thought I was going to wash it on

Holy shit!

And, yes, you guessed it, today is NOT Saturday, but Friday. I was supposed to be at school 45 minutes previous to this. My students were already sitting in class, and I was at home, in bed.

Um......yeah, I think I'm working a little too hard, when I wake up and honestly believe that it's Saturday, when it's not.

Good lord.

--groovygrrl, queen of tardiness for no good reason